The Silence of the Shadows – Mosaic of a Search
Poetry & Contemporary Music
The artwork, which have been produced in several granted Artist-in-Residencies (France, Sweden, Switzerland), has been published as Poetry book and extracts from it as a literary-musical Audio CD by publisher Baltrum Verlag Haßloch/Germany in June 2020.
In the accompanying booklet of the CD the recited poems are printed in German, as well as in Swedish and English translations.
Furthermore, the Gilgenreiner Verlag (Winterthur/Schweiz) published the Sheet Music of the composition Wind played a shadow melody which appears on the Audio CD. It is the musical setting of the award poem Preceded by Christiane Schwarze.
Feelings of love, pain, loss and hope are looking for words as well as social grievances, developments and changes.
If a shadow lies over our own soul, we often feel speechless and powerlessly trapped in the darkness.
With her subtle poetry, rich in imagery, Christiane Schwarze encourages us to sharpen our eyes for the good in such situations, to gather new strength, to keep fighting and finally to free ourselves from the gloom.
She also wants to make the connection between humans and nature tangible. Even though this has been pushed into the background in the modern age of an urban society: there is no life without nature. Nature gives us an external and internal sense of belonging and harbours healing powers.
In summary, the message is:
Behind the shadow lives the light. It's worth going there.
Musical guests:
Angela Frontera • drumset & percussion • Brazil | Germany
Emilio Sacarias Estrada Bencomo • violin • Cuba | Sweden
Nils Ossman • double bass • Sweden
Elke Saller • marimbaphone • Germany
Zsuzsa Debre • violine • Ungarn | Deutschland
In the meantime, the volume of poetry, audio CD and sheet music have been recorded in various large libraries, including the Bibliothèque national de France | Paris / France, library of the Poetry Cabinet Foundation | Munich, Mediathek Kanton Valais | Sion/Switzerland, Swiss National Phonotek | Lugano/Switzerland, ... (For more information, see the respective publication).
Comments / Reviews refer to: Comments / Reviews
Teaser for the Poetry Book, CD and Sheet Music
If you want to listen to the eponymous poem The Silence of Shadows and the musical setting for it:
Teaser for the Poetry Book, CD and Sheet Music
Making-of-Videoclip from our CD recording | Duo TonSatz on Gotland (3:58 min)
Presentation Final Event
A cooperation between Visby International Center for Composers (VICC) and Baltic Center for Writers and Translators (BCWT).
Almedalsbiblioteket | Visby | Schweden 11th of May 2018
Look also at: Event Report_EN and Live-Video-Clips/Media
At the event, the audience was provided with a bilingual program with the poems and the information about the participating artists in German and Swedish translation.
Encouragement by the Swedish Royal House
The duo TonSatz presented its ongoing project to Her Majesty and patron of the German-Swedish Society, Queen Silvia of Sweden.
In the course of this, the artists were given a great honour because they were explicitly encouraged in their undertakings.
Quote Swedish Royal House (the letter was written in German):
„Ihre Majestät ist von Ihrer Arbeit sehr beeindruckt und wünscht Ihnen weiterhin viel Erfolg.“
"Your Majesty is very impressed by your work and wishes you continued success."